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Fresh insights on technologies and innovations we work with

Unlock Your Future in Tech: Digital Explorers II – Applications Now Open!

Date Released on Techcabal Dec 30, 2023 The anticipation is over! Applications are now officially open for the highly anticipated second phase of the esteemed EU Talent exchange program, Digital Explorers. Geared towards sourcing, nurturing, and placing a diverse array …

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The Future of Tech Sales: How to Prepare for the Next Wave of Change

In the past, Tech Sales representatives could get away with using traditional sales tactics. They could cold-call leads, send out generic email pitches, and rely on their charisma to close deals. But those days are over. In today’s tech-savvy world, …

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Prepping for that Tech Interview

Dear Candidate, When you go for your next interview and you are asked “ Tell us about your biggest failure at Work”, here are things you should be mindful of; 1. Never get defensive or claim never to have failed …

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Don’t talk too much or too long

I get it, this is the moment you have been waiting for, a foot in the door and you are experiencing an emotional rush of excitement or anxiety. You are nervous and more than anything, you want to make the …

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Talk about the process

If you are interviewing for a tech role, then you need to read this. When you eventually make it through your first level chat with HR and you are moved onto a one-on-one interview which is more of a deep …

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My Journey Into Tech

Today I reflect in hindsight over my journey into Tech, which started with the Digital Explorers program in 2018/2019. 🏈 In the third quarter of that year, Emmanuel Mimshach Obioha had invited me to join him for a video call …

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